Service Anniversaries 2022 - 105 Years of Loyalty

Eight work anniversaries with a total of 105 years of company loyalty

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2022 was a very festive year for us in many respects, with our 50th anniversary. We are also very happy about the longstanding loyalty of our employees. Eight service anniversaries were recorded this year. For a total of 105 years, Bernhard Koller (20 years), Romeo Gächter (20 years), Arno Winkler (15 years at Inlack AG, a subsidiary of Manser AG), Thomas Frei (10 years), Lindon Abduli (10 years), Methus Junuzi (10 years, Inlack AG), Klaus Sonderegger (10 years) and Ivo Zeba (10 years, Inlack AG) have supported the Manser team. Managing Director Michael Manser was very pleased with the honour: "Especially in today's short-lived and changeable times, it is something special to be able to celebrate so many and such long service anniversaries. This is an excellent basis for a common future - and for celebrating further anniversaries.

Service Anniversaries 2022 - 105 Years of Loyalty

Bild v.l.: Bernhard Koller, Lindon Abduli, Thomas Frei, Arno Winkler, Klaus Sonderegger, Romeo Gächter, Methus Junuzi, Michael Manser CEO

(Ivo Zeba fehlt auf dem Bild)